School Support Hub
- Administration guide for Cambridge Associate coordinators
- Administration guide for Cambridge International School coordinators
- Can I freely make copies of material on the School Support Hub?
- Extracting zip files
- How can attached centres access the School Support Hub?
- How can schools not registered with Cambridge access the School Support Hub?
- How can teachers access the School Support Hub?
- How do I add or remove syllabus favourites on the School Support Hub?
- How do I change my password for the School Support Hub?
- How do I set up an attached centre's access to the School Support Hub?
- How do we change the School Support Coordinator for our school?
- How does the School Support Coordinator delete or suspend users?
- How does the School Support Coordinator register new users?
- I have lost my School Support Hub log in details
- Logging in to the School Support Hub for the first time
- We are in the process of registering as a Cambridge school; can we have access to the School Support Hub now?
- What are past question papers and mark schemes?
- What are the copyright conditions of the School Support Hub?
- What can the Discussion Forums on the School Support Hub do for me?
- What is the School Support Hub?
- When will the latest question papers and mark schemes be available on the School Support Hub?
- Who can be given access to the School Support Hub?
- Why are support materials older than 5 years not available on the School Support Hub?
- Why are there several versions of the same component available on the School Support Hub?