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Certifying Statement for CEFR - how do I apply?

The grade you achieved in your Cambridge IGCSE English language examination does not provide sufficient evidence of your English language proficiency for visa purposes.

Evidence of your proficiency in all four skills (reading, writing, listening and speaking) according to the CEFR scale is also required. A minimum CEFR standard in all four components or skills is required; the standard depends on the tier and, if you are a student, also on your choice of programme. For example, for study at undergraduate degree level, a minimum standard of CEFR Level B2 in each component is required. Please be aware that CEFR B2 is the minimum standard; some university Departments/Faculties will require higher levels of English language proficiency than the Home Office minimum.

The Certifying Statement for CEFR is a document which gives a breakdown of your Cambridge IGCSE English Language results into component grades and CEFR levels. The document provides:

  • the Cambridge IGCSE grade achieved for each component (exam paper within the syllabus)
  • a CEFR level for each of the four above skills
  • a generic CEFR table showing the associated CEFR levels for the Cambridge IGCSE grades for each of the four skills (reading, writing, listening and speaking) on the reverse of the statement.

Please complete the application form to apply for a Certifying Statement for CEFR. The cost for this service is on the form. You cannot apply for a June 2020 Certifying Statement for CEFR as no exams were taken in that series, meaning no speaking and listening tests were carried out.

Please note: Cambridge candidates applying for a Certifying Statement for CEFR to study in the UK must have included the Speaking & Listening component if applying with Cambridge IGCSE First Language English Syllabus (0500), or the Oral component if applying with Cambridge IGCSE English as a Second Language Syllabus (0510).

In order to process your application, you must have been issued with your final Certificate of results from 2011 onwards. Cambridge cannot issue the Certifying Statement for CEFR if you submit your provisional Statement of Results with your application.

You can also use a Certifying Statement for CEFR if you are applying to universities outside the UK which require a breakdown of English language results into CEFR levels for each of the skills you have taken. Further information is available on the application form under Guidance notes for applying for a 'Certifying Statement for CEFR'.

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