International Education homepage

How can I arrange for my results to be sent to an educational institution on results release day?

We appreciate that many students have deadlines for submission of results to educational institutions around the world, which are often very close to our result issue dates. Therefore, students can request that a Provisional Statement of Results to be sent to their chosen educational institutions on the day that results are published. Please note that it is not possible to send results earlier than this date.

To apply for this service, please complete the Priority Results Information Application Form, which contains further information including costs. In order to ensure we can send statements of results on the day of results release, all applications must be received by:

• November 2024 exam series - December 19th 2024

Any applications received after this date will still be accepted, but we cannot guarantee that we will despatch the statement of results on the day results are released.

For UK university applications, all results are sent to the Universities and Colleges Admissions Service (UCAS) in time to meet any required university deadlines.

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