If more than one teacher has marked students’ work for a specific component, each school must select one teacher per component to act as an internal moderator. The internal moderator is usually a head of department, but it can be a subject teacher. It is their responsibility is to check that all teachers for each qualification are marking consistently to the same standard. An internal moderator makes sure ALL students in each teacher’s class have been judged in the same way, against the same marking criteria for that component.
For more information, please refer to the document Internal moderation of coursework at your school on the forms/documents section in Samples Database.
For coursework options (Components 2 and 3), it is the responsibility of a teacher for each of these components to ensure and confirm that the student’s work is their own. Therefore, where staffing has changed during the teaching of a component, the centre must make sure they have in place monitoring procedures to enable teachers to authenticate student’s work.
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