If a candidate is unwell in the exam room or has a potentially contagious disease we would advise schools in cases like this to apply for Special Consideration for the candidate if they are eligible (there is a requirement that the candidate has or will complete a minimum of 50% of the assessment before an enhanced grade can be awarded) rather than returning scripts which may be infected or soiled.
However, if you decide to allow the candidate to complete the examination and wish to submit a script, please follow the instructions below when handling the script:
- Only handle the script with gloves and then dispose of the gloves in a clinical waste bag.
- Even though you have been wearing gloves, wash your hands straight after handling the script.
- Restrict access to the script.
- Scan a copy and then disinfect the scanner.
- Seal the contaminated script in plastic folder then in an envelope and place it in your secure storage.
- Put the clean, scanned copy in a separate envelope and then seal securely. Put a notice on the envelope to explain that it contains a scanned copy of the contaminated script.
- Pack the envelope into the grey script envelope with the rest of the scripts for the component and return as normal.