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How many sets of supervisor’s results are required? Will one set of results be enough?

Ideally there should be one set of supervisor’s results per laboratory and session along with the seating plan stating the candidate numbers for that laboratory and session. This will make it clear to the examiner which supervisor’s results apply to which candidates.

For Biology and Chemistry, if the centre is confident that the apparatus and materials used are the same and the conditions in the different laboratories are similar and the candidates are using the same batch of chemicals, then one set of supervisor’s results will be sufficient.  However, if there is any doubt about this, then it would be advisable for the supervisor to provide a set of results for each laboratory and session. It should be noted that every script packet must contain a copy of the supervisor’s results to compare against the candidates work since they will typically go to different examiners for marking.

Physics experiments are not overly sensitive to external conditions.  One set of supervisor’s results can be provided if the centre is confident that the candidates in the different laboratories are being provided with the same basic apparatus. However, every script packet must contain a copy of the supervisor’s results to compare against the candidates work since they will typically go to different examiners for marking.

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