International Education homepage

Do we offer home schooling or distance learning courses?

We do not offer home schooling or distance learning courses to students. If you who wish to find details of home schooling or distance learning providers you will need to do your own research as to what is provided in your area or online.

We recognise that there are students who do not attend Cambridge schools but who wish to enter for our exams. Such individuals are referred to as private candidates.

To take our exams, you need to find a Cambridge school in your country that accepts private candidates and register with them to take our exams. You are responsible for making arrangements with the school and they can support you with any exam-related queries.

Some syllabuses or options are not available to private candidates. This is detailed in each specific syllabus guide under the ‘Before you start’ section. All of our syllabuses are on our website under each relevant qualification area.

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