Cambridge IGCSE Biology 9-1 (0970) FAQs
- What is the difference between IGCSE Biology (9-1) Core and Extended?
- Can students take dictionaries into IGCSE Biology (9-1) examination?
- I cannot get the exact equipment or specimens specified in the Confidential Instructions, but I can obtain something similar. Am I allowed to adapt the experiment at all?
- Is there an option available which doesn't involve any assessment of practical skills?
- My candidates are doing the Alternative to Practical paper, so what practical work do they need to do?
- Where can I find resources to help deliver the practical skills necessary to teach IGCSE Biology?
- Where can my school buy microscope slides with specimens?
- Can I take a practical paper if I am a private candidate?
- Can I use Test Maker to create my own question papers?
- Can my students sit Cambridge IGCSE Biology (9-1) with Cambridge IGCSE Combined Science 0653?
- Sometimes I confuse my students if I use a different approach to maths when I explain some mathematical aspects in science. Do you know of any extra resources to help my teaching of mathematical ideas in science?
- What is the difference between "state" and "suggest" when used at the start of a question?
- Will candidates be penalised if they make a spelling mistake of scientific terms or names?
- Science practical exam FAQs