It is usually a teacher at the school who conducts and assesses the Speaking tests. Where this is not possible and it is necessary to look for someone outside the school, they must be someone who is fluent in the target language, preferably with teaching experience and with experience of conducting other oral examinations. The person appointed must be given the opportunity to familiarise themselves with the requirements of the examination before conducting any 'live' Speaking tests.
It is the responsibility of the person conducting the Speaking tests to mark them. The Speaking tests must be marked as they are being conducted. Examiners should mark the 'live' candidate and not a recording.
You don’t need to be accredited by Cambridge in order to conduct the IGCSE First Language Speaking test. However, we strongly recommend that you study the Example Candidate Responses in advance of the examination, especially if you are new to the syllabus. The Example Candidate Responses offer guidance and advice on the preparation for and delivery of the speaking test. It also provides marked recordings of candidate work with accompanying examiner comments.