If more candidates are entered for a practical exam than can be accommodated at one time, you may divide candidates into two groups, or more, if necessary. All groups must take the exam on the same day, with the minimum delay between sittings. You must apply for our permission to hold additional sittings. Submit your request using Preparation – Form 8. Send it to info@cambridgeinternational.org with ‘Additional Sittings – Compliance’ in the subject line at least four weeks before the date of the affected exam. See instructions for ‘Additional sittings’ section 1.2.4 of the Cambridge Handbook 2024. You do not need to list all candidates affected; however, you must make accurate seating plans and attendance registers for each sitting and attach these to the supervisor’s report. In addition, you must keep a copy of the forms until the end of the enquiries about results period.
You must plan to keep the groups apart until all candidates have taken the exam. Candidates waiting to take the exam must gain no knowledge of its contents. Security of the exam must be always maintained, and you may need to conduct periods of Full Centre Supervision.
See the ‘Key Times and Full Centre Supervision’ section and ‘Large number of candidates’ section of the Cambridge Handbook 2024.
Or use all available laboratories
Candidates taking the practical exam may be spread across more than one laboratory. If suitable equipment and safety apparatus is available, you can seat candidates in all available laboratories. Each laboratory should have a seating plan and a completed supervisor’s report, this will include the supervisor’s results produced using the same apparatus and chemicals as the candidates are using in their exam. Each laboratory must have at least two invigilators, one invigilator per 20 candidates, and a supervisor. The supervisor is normally a teacher of the subject or a technician. They are responsible for conducting the experiment out of sight of the candidates as specified in the confidential instructions and completing the supervisor’s report. While they do this you must have enough invigilators left with the candidates and one of the invigilators must be qualified to deal with any problems or safety matters see ‘Invigilation’ section of the Cambridge Handbook 2024.
Or divide candidates between both versions of the Advanced Practical Skills paper
In some exam series, two versions of the Advanced Practical Skills paper (paper 3) are available:
- Cambridge International AS/A Level Biology (9700)
- Cambridge International AS/A Level Chemistry (9701)
- Cambridge International AS/A Level Physics (9702)
The papers are called Advanced Practical Skills 1 and Advanced Practical Skills 2. They contain different questions but assess the same skills. Each candidate should take one of the papers.
You can divide candidates so that some are entered for Advanced Practical Skills 1 and the others for Advanced Practical Skills 2. Each of the papers are timetabled on a different day so this will give you more flexibility when planning your exams timetable, particularly if you have a large group of candidates and limited laboratory space.
The examples below show how you might manage the number of candidates in practical exams. These are examples only. You must know your Key Times and use these when planning your timetable. You may need to organise periods of Full Centre Supervision. See the ‘Key Times and Full Centre Supervision’ section of the Cambridge Handbook 2024.
Example 1:
A centre has 30 candidates taking Cambridge International AS Level Chemistry (9701/33). The centre has two laboratories, each with a capacity of 20:
- If you would like to use one laboratory: divide your candidates into two groups of 15. Each group takes the exam at a different time.
- If you would like to use two laboratories: divide the candidates into two groups of 15. Both groups take the exam at the same time.
Example 2:
A centre has 120 students taking Cambridge International AS Level Chemistry (9701/33). The centre has three laboratories, each with a capacity of 20:
- Divide your candidates into six groups of 20, two groups per laboratory. Each group within a laboratory takes the exam at a different time. All laboratories can be in use at the same time.
Example 3:
A centre has 300 students taking Cambridge International AS Level Chemistry (9701). The centre has six laboratories, each with a capacity of 20:
- Enter 200 candidates for Cambridge International AS Level Chemistry (9701/33) (Advanced Practical Skills 1) and 100 candidates for Cambridge International AS Level Chemistry (9701/34) (Advanced Practical Skills 2). These will be timetabled on different days. For candidates taking 9701/33, use five laboratories and divide candidates into ten groups of twenty. Allocate two groups of candidates per laboratory (e.g., group 1 and group 2). Within each laboratory, group 1 and group 2 take the exam at a different time e.g., 10am and 1pm. You can use the same start times in all five laboratories. The candidates taking 9701/34 will take their exam on a different day. Use five laboratories and divide the candidates into five groups of twenty. All groups take the exam at the same time.
You must follow our Key Time and Full Centre Supervision regulations when planning your exam timetable.