International Education homepage

What do I need to submit to Cambridge for moderation for component 3 (Coursework Portfolio)?

The Coursework Portfolio (Component 3) is a portfolio of three assignments, each of about 500–800 words. The assignments may be completed in any order, and are:

  • Assignment 1: writing to discuss, argue and/or persuade in response to a text or texts
  • Assignment 2: writing to describe
  • Assignment 3: writing to narrate.

Cambridge International will externally moderate all internally assessed components.

Submission of samples to Cambridge:

You must submit:

  • the total marks for all candidates
  • the completed Individual Candidate Record Card for all candidates in the sample (form available on the Samples Database)
  • the Coursework Assessment Summary Form for every candidate entered (form available on the Samples Database).

The samples database at provides details of how to submit the marks and work.

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