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What is a Level 2 identify/describe answer and what does it look like?

Typically, an identify answer states a relevant factor but does not say why it is so, and a describe answer is generally about the topic seen in the question, but not about the question itself. Each identification/description is awarded one mark within that level.  Comments on marks awarded are in red italics.

For Q1c, the L2 range of marks for answers that identify/ describe is 2-4 marks (Table 1).

For optional part c questions, the L2 range of marks for answers that identify/ describe is 3-6 marks (Table 2).

Two examples are given below one for Q1c (2-4 marks) and another for Q2c (3-6 marks), both examples use responses written by candidates:


 Q1c: Explain the impact of railways on the lives of Indian people in the nineteenth century.

When the British introduced railways in the nineteenth century it made Indian people’s lives easier. It was a much more efficient transport. It meant more goods could be transported easily (L2). The railways made some Indian people scared (L2). It was beneficial for the army because they could go from one place to another. This became their main transport as well. Murders have also happened in these railways.        

3 marks                                                                                                                                          
Two relevant points of identification/description are credited: easier transport and that the railways scared some Indian people. The point made on the army relates to the British and the murders are not in the correct time period.
Q2c: ‘The “Two-Nation” Theory was Sir Syed Ahmad Khan’s main contribution to the development of the Pakistan Movement during the nineteenth century.’ How far do you agree with this statement? Explain your answer.
I agree with the statement that the Two Nation Theory was the plan of Sir Syed Ahmed Khan. He was the first person who gave this idea. To make a different nation where Islam will be the only religion to be followed and many people could live there freely (L2).                                                                               

3 marks
One relevant point of description is credited: where people could live freely as Muslims.


For Q1d the L2 range of marks for answers that identify/describe is 2-3 marks. An example using a response written by a candidate is given below:


Q1d: To what extent were the different aims of Indian groups in 1857 the main reason why the War of Independence was short-lived? Explain your answer.

Yes, it was the different aims that were the main reason why the War of Independence was short lived. Also, it was a spur of the moment uprising, different groups were taken by surprise and so had no time to plan. (L2).                                                                                                                                                

2 marks

One relevant point of identification/description as to why the war was short-lived is credited; that the Indians did not have time to plan.


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