Cambridge IGCSE Drama (0411) A*-G FAQs
- Do the groups for the devised piece need to be the same as those for the scripted performance?
- Can private candidates enter for this syllabus?
- We would like to introduce this syllabus, what needs to be in place in the school?
- When and how will I receive the pre-release material?
- What guidance is available for teachers in assessing IGCSE Drama coursework?
- For Component 2 – Individual and Group Performance, could you advise us on which play we should use?
- Can I adapt and edit a play so that it works for a smaller group?
- Can an extract from musical theatre be used for the group repertoire piece?
- If a performance is too short or too long how will this affect the marks?
- How important is it to stay within the stated group size?
- Can non-assessed actors be in a group piece?
- Is it acceptable for candidates to play across gender roles?
- What file format should I use for the recordings?
- Can I use two cameras or a mobile camera for the recording?
- Can we re-record the performance if candidates are unwell or if their performance is not up to mark? If so, how many times can we do this?
- Should I supply recorded evidence of rehearsal and the devising process?
- Are written evaluations of the practical coursework required?
- Should the Individual Piece be played straight to the camera?
- Should an audience be present during the recording?
- What are the expectations for costume and set?
- Where can we find more resources for this syllabus?