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What is the Cambridge Primary Checkpoint Global Perspectives assessment and where can I find out more information?

What is the Cambridge Primary Checkpoint Global Perspectives?

Cambridge Primary Checkpoint Global Perspectives recognises learner achievement and is intended for the final year of primary education, Stage 6. The assessment is a Team Project designed to assess the skills of analysis, collaboration, communication, evaluation, reflection and research. With your support and guidance, learners work as a team (of three or four learners) to identify a local issue (in their community) that they would like to improve, change or resolve. Each team of learners conducts research on the issue and identifies, explores and explains different perspectives (personal, local/national and/or global) on their chosen issue. They set a goal to improve, change or resolve the local issue, and agree and take a course of action which is likely to achieve this goal.


Why is the Checkpoint assessment a Team Project?

The Team Project is designed to assess how learners’ have developed the six skills in stages 1 to 6. The subject of the Team Project is selected by the learners themselves, not the teacher. It provides learners with the opportunity to demonstrate that they can listen, negotiate and work together on a topic of their choice. Learners find this rewarding and challenging. You can find more information in the Checkpoint Instructions and examples of past projects on the Primary support site.


Does Cambridge mark the Checkpoint Team Project?

Teachers mark the work and Cambridge moderates the marking. To help teachers we have developed an easy to use, upload and marking system. Schools have given us favourable feedback about the process as being quick and the system as easy to use.


Is the Global Perspectives Checkpoint the same as the other Checkpoint assessments?

Here are some of the ways that they are the same:

  • Checkpoint is available at the end of Primary (Stage 6).
  • There are two Checkpoint exam series in May and October.
  • Entries are made by the Exams Officer using Cambridge International Direct.
  • Entries are the same price for all subjects.
  • Checkpoint entry is optional.

And how they are different:

  • There is no Global Perspectives test paper that you receive from Cambridge.
  • There is not a time limit on how long learners spend doing their Checkpoint work (although we do offer guidance in our free online training available on the support site).
  • There is no paper to return to Cambridge. Work is uploaded in the Checkpoint area of the Online Learning Area. We give you access to this when we process your entries.
  • The Global Perspectives Checkpoint is marked by teachers and moderated by Cambridge.
  • It is not necessary to tell us about candidate special considerations.

When is Global Perspectives Checkpoint offered?

It is offered in the two Checkpoint exam series in May and October each year. 


Why don’t you need to know about special considerations for Checkpoint?

As this Checkpoint assessment is not a timed test there is no extra time for us to allow. Teachers decide how much time to give learners to work on their Team Projects whether in class or at home or a combination of both.


How much do entries for the Cambridge Checkpoint Global Perspectives cost?

All the Checkpoint subjects, including Global Perspectives are the same price. 


Can learners in different schools work on a Checkpoint Team Project together?

No, learners must be in the same class so that when they work together the teacher can observe and mark their participation.

There are opportunities to collaborate with Cambridge schools and there is more guidance in the Teacher Guide. 


We would like to choose one topic for all of our learners for their Checkpoint Team Projects. Is that allowed?

No, the teams must choose their own topics. Some marks are awarded for this and the learners need to provide evidence about how they made their choice.


Is there any information for teachers to help them mark the Checkpoint Team Projects?

Yes, we provide step-by-step guidance for this and our system for submitting and marking work is easy to use.


Is it difficult to assess individual contributions to Team Projects? Will learners and parents say it is unfair?

It is important that parents and learners understand what makes a good team member and why collaboration and communication are important skills to develop. These skills involve listening and reflecting on other people’s opinions, as well as doing a fair share of the work, not taking over or doing very little. Some learners may produce great work in class when they work on their own but they may find they struggle in a group.

Teachers should feel confident that leading up to the Primary Checkpoint their learners have had opportunities to practise their group work skills and have had feedback on them.

Providing feedback on these key skills is very useful as learners get ready to start their secondary education.


Do learners need to use a particular citation format when referencing sources?

We want to see them using referencing accurately but we do not ask learners to use a particular format.


How much time do learners have to complete the Team Project?
Preparing for Checkpoint takes the same lesson time as two Challenges (approximately 12 hours).


If we decide not to offer Checkpoint, we have a gap of two Challenges in our timetable. Do you provide extra Challenges for those schools who do not take Checkpoint?

We have carefully designed the programme to offer assessment where it is appropriate. We think that it is important that learners have the opportunity to demonstrate their skill development at the end of Primary.

Checkpoint is optional so you can offer it if it suits your school. If you choose not to offer it, you can look at other options, for example extending the time you spend on the other Challenges in Stage 6.

Where can I find out more information about Cambridge Primary Global Perspectives and Checkpoint assessments?

There is more information about Cambridge Primary Global Perspectives on our website and support site.

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