Coursework Submission
- Can schools issue provisional coursework marks to candidates?
- Can schools resubmit a candidate's coursework in a subsequent examination series?
- Can schools taking speaking tests submit recorded samples for external moderation on USB/CD/DVD?
- Carrying forward IGCSE Coursework marks
- How do I complete the Individual Candidate Record card and the C/W assessment summary form when moderating my school's coursework?
- How do I submit Internally Assessed Marks to Cambridge?
- How do we select coursework/speaking test samples?
- What are the procedures for packing and despatching coursework to Cambridge?
- What are the procedures for preparing coursework materials for despatch?
- What coursework materials do schools need to retain?
- What is the Individual Candidate Record Card / Coursework Assessment Summary Form?
- Where can I find the administrative forms for internally assessed components?
- Will I receive feedback on coursework moderation?