Cambridge IGCSE Physical Education (0413 & 0995) FAQs
- Advice on bib numbers
- Can a candidate be assessed in all the four physical activities from one category, such as Games?
- Can I use times and photos from a competitive swim a candidate has performed outside school?
- Can we assess an activity that is not listed in the syllabus?
- Can you advise on what equipment should be used in activities?
- If a candidate has not been selected for a sample but they appear on the video, do they need to be marked as missing / leave blank for that sample?
- In rugby union can a candidate be assessed in a small-sided game?
- Is there a minimum number of candidates that must enter this syllabus?
- Moderators contact information – or visiting moderation
- Should boys and girls be assessed together in activities?
- What evidence do I need to provide for the coursework component?
- When filming activities, how long should the video length be?
- Where do I get the Syllabus and Coursework Guidelines booklet?