International Education homepage
International Education homepage
What can we help you with?
Professional Development
Professional Development
Professional Development | Making a booking
Do I have to do an Introductory course before I do an Extension course?
How do I book a Cambridge event?
How do I pay for my training course?
What happens if my course is cancelled/postponed?
When will I receive joining instructions for my course?
When will I receive the invoice?
See all 8 articles
Professional Development | Changing a booking
How do I cancel my booking?
I have booked myself on the course by mistake. Can I transfer my booking to someone else?
I have booked myself on the wrong course. How can I amend my booking?
Professional Development | Managing bookings for my school/centre
A teacher at my school has booked onto a course but I haven’t received an email notification to approve/reject the booking
I am the School Support Hub Coordinator for my school. How do I transfer a booking to another teacher?
Bespoke Professional Development courses
Professional Development | Online courses
Certificates for Online Courses
Enrolment keys
Logging in to the Online Learning Dashboard for the first time
What do I need to access your online courses?
What types of online Professional Development do you offer?
Professional Development | Face-to-face events
Can I request a replacement for a lost or incorrect certificate?
Does Cambridge organise accommodation for face-to-face Professional Development?
What types of face-to-face Professional Development do Cambridge offer?