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Using the Quality Assurance portal

How do I access the Quality Assurance portal?  

To access the portal, log into Cambridge International Direct, and go to the ‘QA Portal’ tab.  

Are my login details the same as the Grade Submission System?  

No. The Quality Assurance portal is different to the Grade Submission System. You should use your usual Cambridge International Direct username and password to log in.   

Where can I find more information about the Quality Assurance portal?

We have published lots of guidance on our website hereWe have also published a guidance document here. 

When will the Quality Assurance portal be open?

The Quality Assurance portal will open 25 May.

How many files can I upload in the additional materials folder? 

You can upload up to 10 files in the additional materials folder.  

How do I differentiate between candidates in the first quality assurance sample and the second quality assurance sample? 

There is no way to see the difference between your first and second samples in the system, so we suggest you use the candidate numbers provided in the email from us to differentiate candidates.   

What file types can I upload?  

You can find a list of accepted file formats here  

Do I need to compress my files before uploading to the Quality Assurance portal?  

If your file is over the maximum size that the portal can accept, which is 15MB for image files or 5GB for all other file types, you must reduce that file’s size using a tool like Handbrake. This is the same software that we recommend you use to reduce file sizes when making other e-submissions. There is step-by-step guidance for using HandBrake on the Quality Assurance pages of our website.   

You can upload up to 10 files to complete each piece of evidence – so a combination of files can be submitted as part of one piece of evidence. For example, a practical test might include a video of the activity, supporting material such as data sheets and teacher marks and feedback. 

Every file uploaded will be checked for viruses. After uploading, you will see the results of the check after a few seconds. 

Please wait up to 5 minutes after uploading a file larger than 2GB before trying to upload another file. Upload speed will depend on the size of the file and quality of your internet connection.

What web browser should I use?

We recommend you use Google Chrome, you will not be able to use the portal in Internet Explorer.

The following error message appears in the system: "Something went wrong with current access. Please login again". What does this mean? 

This means your session has expired after one hour. You will need to click on 'Logout' button under the ‘Centre Admin’ drop-down in the right-hand corner then login to the portal again via Direct using your Cambridge International Direct username and password. 

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