International Education homepage

How do I add a Checkpoint Teaching Group Code?

You need to enter a teaching group code for each syllabus entry when asked to on Cambridge International Direct. 

We use this information in the diagnostic feedback we provide at the end of the series. You must assign the same teaching group code to all candidates who are in the same class (teaching group). For example, if your candidates for English are taught in two separate classes, you should enter ‘E1’ as the teaching group code for all candidates in the first class and ‘E2’ for all candidates in the second class.

The teaching group codes available in each subject are listed under section of the Cambridge Handbook, which is available on this page of our website.​

Teaching group codes for both English and English as a Second Language start with the letter E and need to be submitted like this on Direct. To avoid confusion, the teaching group codes for English as a Second Language will appear as L1, L2, L3 etc. on your diagnostic feedback. The teaching group codes for English will appear as E1, E2, E3 etc. on your diagnostic feedback.

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