There is some guidance in the Administrative Guide to Submit for Assessment on page 4.
It contains the below table:
File types | Accepted formats | Limit |
Audio | .3g2 .3ga .aac .aiff .amr .m4a .m4b . m4p .mp3 .wav .oog | 25 GB |
Data | .xls .xlsx .mdb .accdb .xlsb | 25 GB |
Document* | .odt .pdf .rtf .txt .doc .docx .dotx . pages | 25 GB |
Images | .jpg .png .jpeg .tif .jfif .gif .heic .psd .dox | 15 MB |
Presentation | .ppt .pptx .pdf .gslides .pptm .odp . ink .potx .pub | 25 GB |
Video | .3g2 .3gp .avi .flv .m4v .mkv .mov .mp4 .mp4v .wmp .wmv .wlmp .mts .mov-1 .mp4-1 .xspf .mod | 25 GB |
Web | .html .htm .gdoc .url .exe .key | 25 GB |
For 9481 itself, there is nothing specified in terms of formats, etc. except they should be appropriate to the candidates work.