Certificates are issued for the following Cambridge General Qualifications:
General Certificate of Education (GCE)
One Certificate is awarded for all levels of the GCE.
GCE Advanced Level - grades A*(a*), A(a), B(b), C(c), D(d), or E(e) indicate a pass at Advanced Level, grade A*(a*) being the highest and grade E(e) the lowest.
GCE Advanced Subsidiary Level - grades a(a), b(b), c(c), d(d), or e(e) indicate the standard reached, grade a (a) being the highest and grade e (e) the lowest.
GCE Ordinary Level - grades A*(a*), A(a), B(b), C(c), D(d), or E(e) indicate the standard reached, grade A*(a*) being the highest and grade E(e) the lowest.
The text Advanced Level, Advanced Subsidiary or Ordinary Level prefixing the grade awarded indicates the level at which the grade was awarded for the subject. In a normal series, circumstances where a student is entered for Advanced Level but does not achieve a grade E (e) or above, we will award an Advanced Subsidiary Level grade a(a) to e(e) in the subject. This will not be available in the June 2020 because marks are not being awarded.
Performance in AS and A Level language syllabus speaking components is shown as 'With Distinction in Speaking', 'With Merit in Speaking' or 'With Pass in Speaking’.
AICE Diploma
Students who satisfy the AICE Diploma award rules will generally be awarded two certificates.
An AICE Diploma certificate which reports the following information:
The level achieved in AICE Diploma group award:
- Distinction
- Merit
- Pass
The AICE Diploma points score:
- students scoring 360 - 420 points and above are awarded a Distinction
- students scoring 250-359 points are awarded a Merit
- students scoring 140-249 points are awarded a Pass.
A GCE certificate (see above) which reports the grades achieved in GCE Advanced Subsidiary and Advanced Level syllabuses.
Students who achieve grade E(e) or better in an AICE Half Credit syllabus will also receive a separate AICE Half Credit certificate. The grades reported on this certificate are A(a), B(b), C(c), D(d) or E(e).
IGCSE results in individual subjects are indicated by the grades A*(a*), A(a), B(b), C(c), D(d), E(e), F(f) or G(g). Grade A*(a*) is awarded to those students showing highest ability in a subject and grade G(g) for a minimum satisfactory performance. Performances below the standard of grade G(g) are not recorded on certificates.
Students awarded grades A*(a*), A(a), B(b) or C(c) have reached standards at least equivalent to those required for the award of grades A(a), B(b) or C(c) in the GCE Ordinary Level and grades A*(a*), A(a), B(b) or C(c) in the General Certificate of Secondary Education examinations.
For some language syllabuses, oral endorsements are recorded on the certificate indicated by grades 1(ONE) through to 5(FIVE). Grade 1(ONE) is awarded to those students showing highest ability in the oral and grade 5 (FIVE) for a minimum satisfactory performance.
From June 2017, schools in England, UK, began introducing 9-1 grading for GCSEs. On this scale 9 is the top grade. Over time, we have seen some demand for 9-1 grading from schools in a number of countries, and are now offering 9-1 graded Cambridge IGCSEs in a select region. From June 2019, schools in Administration Zone 3 have the choice of A*-G or 9-1 graded Cambridge IGCSEs. All schools can maintain A*-G grading.
International Certificate of Education (ICE)
ICE certificates show the level achieved in the ICE group award:
- DISTINCTION is awarded if a student obtains grade A(a) or above in five subjects and grade C(c) or above in two further subjects;
- MERIT is awarded if a student obtains grade C(c) or above in five subjects and grade F(f) or above in two further subjects;
- PASS is awarded if a student obtains grade G(g) or above in seven subjects.
An IGCSE certificate will be awarded to failing ICE students who obtain a minimum of at least one grade G(g) in a syllabus.
Students who achieve ICE in one series will receive an ICE Statement of Results and two separate IGCSE and ICE Certificates.
Two series ICE students will receive a certificate for the individual subjects taken at the end of the first series and two separate IGCSE and ICE certificates at the end of the second series.