What is a Forecast Grade?
A forecast grade is the grade a teacher expects a student to achieve for the syllabus. It must be a realistic prediction of what the student is expected to achieve in the examination. It is not intended to be the teacher's assessment of the quality of the student's work during the course, or of the effort that the student has made. In the case of an assessment that the student has already partly completed (e.g. a Cambridge International A Level subject in which the student has already achieved a contributory Cambridge International AS Level result), the forecast grade should relate to the overall qualification including the part already assessed.
Why should I submit Forecast Grades?
We use forecast grade information:
- for the purpose of grading, as a check by comparing actual grades with Forecast Grades
- in instances where a student's script may have been lost in the post
- in cases of special consideration.
Schools are advised that it could disadvantage students if forecast grade information is not supplied when the information is available.
How do I submit Forecast Grades?
Schools are requested to submit forecast grades for students for General Qualifications.
Forecast Grades can be submitted via the Dashboard on Cambridge International Direct by the dates shown below.
June exam series - 30 April
November exam series - 31 October
For Cambridge IGCSE (9-1) syllabuses
You must submit all Cambridge IGCSE (9–1) syllabus forecast grades via Direct.
Do I need to submit Forecast Grades for private candidates?
Forecast Grades are not required for anyone sitting examinations as a private candidate. It is usual practice for schools to enter X for private candidates.
Do I need to submit Forecast Grades for Cambridge Checkpoint?
You do not need to submit forecast grades for Cambridge Primary or Secondary Checkpoint candidates.