Malpractice and maladministration are those actions that may threaten the integrity of Cambridge examinations and certification. The Head of Centre is responsible for immediately reporting all cases of suspected malpractice and maladministration. More detailed information on malpractice and maladministration can be found in part 5 of the Cambridge Handbook.
The following are examples of malpractice by candidates:
- misuse of examination material
- behaving in such a way as to undermine the integrity of the examination
- disruptive behaviour in the examination room (including the use of offensive language)
- bringing unauthorised material into the examination room, for example: notes, study guides and personal organisers, own blank paper, calculators, dictionaries (when prohibited), mobile phones or other electronic devices
- bringing into the examination room notes in the wrong format (when notes are permitted), or incorrectly annotated texts (in open-book examinations)
- obtaining, receiving, exchanging or passing on information which could be examination-related (or attempting to) by any means before the end of the examination
- impersonation; pretending to be someone else, or arranging for another person to take one's place in an examination
- copying from another candidate (including the misuse of ICT to do so)
- collusion; working collaboratively with other candidates
- plagiarism; the failure to acknowledge sources properly and/or the submission of another person’s work as if it were the candidate’s own
The following are examples of maladministration by school staff:
- moving the time or date of a fixed examination (outside the ‘window’) without notifying Cambridge and obtaining permission
- failure to maintain Full Centre Supervision in relation to the Key Time for Cambridge IGCSE, Cambridge O Level and Cambridge International AS and A Level
- failure to keep examination papers secure before the examination
- obtaining unauthorised access to examination
- assisting candidates in the production of coursework, beyond that permitted by the regulations
- allowing candidates unsupervised access to coursework exemplar material, whether this is the work of former learners or that provided by Cambridge
- failure to keep learner computer files secure
- assisting or prompting candidates with the production of answers
How do I report a suspected case of malpractice or maladministration?
The Head of Centre needs to report any established, suspected or alleged cases of malpractice by candidates or staff using Exam Day - Form 9 which is available from the Exams Officers section of our website. Please read the Guidance Notes section carefully before completing the form.